up, up and away…


It’s here! After over three years of waiting, I am officially on holiday!

Ok, so I haven’t actually left the country yet, but today is a bit like Christmas eve, except, that along with all the restlessness, excitement and butterflies, I’m also feeling a little apprehensive. Oh and there are less mince pies.

Travelling alone… just…eep!

And here is another confession, I have never left the country without adult supervision before. Never gone on a girls holiday, never torn up some Mediterranean island with my drunken antics, never hostel hopped across the sea.

And now that I am about to do (some of) those things, I’m doing them all alone.


I’m really really, pleased with myself for this, but naturally, I have a few niggles.

Am I going to get bored? Lost? Lonely? Will I be safe? Do I know where I am going? What if I forget something? Loose something? Break something? What if I’ve got my flight dates wrong? Bought the wrong train ticket? Booked a room in the wrong city? What if I run out of money? What am I going to do about the language barrier? And mostly…

Am I going to get bored? Lost? Lonely?

The other things I will deal with but those three? Those three things could break me.

Ok, I’m being a little melodramatic. I am actually really looking forward to embracing doing this trip alone. Lots of time reading, writing and taking photos without having to coerce people into posing. I just thought it was important to put it out there, I’m human, andย of course I fear the lonesome blues as much as everyone else!

The other thing is just how little I know about the logistics of travelling! Don’t get me started on working out my interail ticket, I have no idea if I should have reserved seats already, but it is all part of the adventure and the learning curve.

And the one thing I am certain of with this holiday is that it will be an adventure and a learning curve. How much can I conquer? What creative ideas will I come up with? Where will I want to go next.

So I’m excited, very excited, something I probably haven’t stressed enough in this post, but yes I’m also apprehensive.

And if you are wondering what will happen to this little space while I am away? Well I haven’t entirely decided. Just another example f my poor organisational skills! I will have access to wifi while I am away, and I am hoping to journal the whole experience here, but I’m going with the flow, and if I’m too busy exploring (or marrying an exotic stranger) then I am sure you will forgive me!

Live life & think about travelling alone x

16 thoughts on “up, up and away…

  1. Oh Stephie you’re too cute! You’re going to have a amazing time. Think positive things and positive things will happen ๐Ÿ™‚ You won’t get lost because someone will always help you, you will not get bored because you’re so creative and you won’t get lonely because we’re all here to chat to if you need us!

    Can’t wait to read about all the stories you’re going to come back with.

    Holly xx


    • Oh my gosh Holly! Ok Excitement is here now I have done all the logistical bits (except pack)! Eeeeeeep I can guarantee at least one story will involve some sort of odd event/person/the princess of Sweeden (I’ve met her before she was a treat!) but hey, the next show isn’t going to make itself!
      Big love, wish you were all coming with xx

  2. You will have an amazing time! I remember how scared I was when I took my first trip alone but it was bloody brilliant! You will meet all sorts of lovely people who will always be willing to help you out if you need and you will just have an absolute ball! I can’t wait to hear about all of your adventures! Have fun! I am so jealous right now haha xxx

  3. I know you’re going to have an amazing time! The first time I left the country it was just my friend and I, but on some of the weekends we split up to do what we wanted individually. Those weekends were kind of terrifying, but I also met so many other young travelers doing the same thing as myself, whether I was just walking the streets or staying at hostels. Really, you’re not alone ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Thanks! I’m definitely getting into the swing of things! And I am meeting a friend in Barcelona on Friday… But already worrying about how I am going to get some alone time to journal! Funny how quickly you fall into a routine isn’t it! X

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